The Before & After School Care Program is a supervised program held at the Boys & Girls Club of the Berkshires that provides a safe and secure environment for children.
Activities include arts & crafts, gym activities, homework help, swimming, games and more. Transportation is limited but provided from several schools through the Pittsfield School Bus Operations. The program runs for the entire school calendar year.
Rates are as followed:
$90.00 a week (After School Only)
*$18.00 per day*
$125.00 a week (Before School & After School)
+$25.00 for half-days
+32.00 for a full day (Such as holidays and snow days)
We do accept vouchers from Seven Hills Company!
- *Delays we open at 8:30 or later depending on the situation/weather. CLICK HERE for a list of places to find this information
- After Care- 3:00-5:30
- Half Day- 11:00-5:30
- Snow Days- 8:15-5:30 / Subject to change - Keep posted by checking these outlets for information CLICK HERE
- Vacations/ Holidays- 7:15-5:30
Active Membership required. Please CLICK HERE, or contact the main office.
How to keep your child and our program safe: COVID-19 PROGRAM REMINDER
If a person in the home of the child/children is being tested, the child cannot attend the program before the results are returned.
If the child was exposed to Covid-19 and has to be tested, the child must stay home from the program and it must be reported to Nya Shrader, site coordinator. The following information will be needed if your child has been exposed and is being tested: Date of exposure, Date of test, and the results. We ask that you contact us as soon as possible in regards to exposure so that all necessary precautions can be made to keep our program healthy. This information is used to report to the department of Early Education and Care. If your child has any cold or flu like symptoms we ask that you keep them home until they are symptom free.
Due to our Covid-19 Regulations by EEC, no one outside of those allowed (enrolled children & staff) are allowed in the program area.
For drop off we ask that you walk your child/children in as far as the main lobby where a staff member will be there to direct your child to the program.
Our pick-up policy is located in our Before & After School Program Handbook.